DAY #2

What is needed to publish an iOS app on the app store, and what is the process like?

  1. You will need a developer account:
    • To get an individual’s developer account you will need basic information like your name and address.
    • If you are trying to get a business account, you will need a website, ADUNS number, and an individual with binding authority (probably you) to administer the account. An ADUNS number can be obtained by filling out a form on Apple’s website. Although, when I did it the form was broken. ADUNS is a subset of a DUNS number which is basically a certification given by a company called d&b that certifies the company as legitimate. This number will actually allow you to take federal funds if you ever win a contract, which is kind of cool.
  2. You will need to manage signing certificates. These are basically permissions and security certificates. This step can be pretty hard.
  3. Preparing submission to the store. This process is very tedious, as you have to check a whole lot of boxes, write descriptions, keywords, create art and app icons.
  4. Signing legal agreements. Basically you just have to accept the banking contracts so Apple knows where to send your revenues. There are also developer programs you may be interested in enrolling in, such as reduced fees for developers making <1m (thanks Fortnite). If your app uses encryption or HTTPS requests or other stuff you may be required to sign more agreements.
  5. Submit to store. You will have to build your code, and upload it. Then, you can send it off for review. In the past code review has taken 1-2 weeks, but lately I have gotten my code reviewed in less than an hour (shoutout to the guy who reviewed my code <1h before his Christmas break).

Disclamer: This is not a guide. Information may not be acurite now, or in the future.

Originally published 04/04/2021 @ Discord

Published here on 09/08/2022. Blog published date reflects the original date of publication.